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K. Ibura is an author, painter, and traveler from New Orleans, Louisiana. An adventurous and experimental writer, she works across a range of genres including middle grade, young adult, and adult fiction and nonfiction. Her work often explores themes of imagination, culture, and identity. K’s fiction has been widely anthologized, including the groundbreaking Dark Matter anthologies, Mojo: Conjure Stories, and Mothership, among others. Her essays and nonfiction have appeared in Essence, Ms., Utne Reader, and Colonize This!, and the composition guide Reading Into Writing. Her writing is also included in the college curricula of courses on English, women’s studies, anthropology, and history. She is the recipient of a personal commentary award from the National Association of Black Journalists.
K. is the author of two short stories collections: Ancient, Ancient, a recipient of the 2012 James Tiptree, Jr. Award, and When the World Wounds. Her debut middle grade novel, When the World Turned Upside Down, set against the onset of COVID, in which a group of 5th graders navigate issues of race and social justice to find the power of friendship is forthcoming in fall 2021. She will publish two YA novels about a teenager coming to grips with a mysterious family history and terrifying powers beginning in 2022.
These days, K. is based in Brooklyn. When she’s not writing, she’s making art and trying to make sense of the world around her through an online group that invites communities to “Do the Least” by taking one small step to help change the status quo for the better.
Visit K. Ibura’s website at
Twitter: @k_ibura
Instagram: @kiburabooks
Facebook: @kiburabooks
Read K. Ibura’s ebooks and blog about writing.Watch K. Ibura talk about writing.
Check out K. Ibura’s visual art.