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Andrea Scher

Andrea Scher is an artist, blogger, podcaster, photographer, and online workshop teacher whose work is driven by her belief in the transformative power of creativity. She guides women to feel more brave, joyful, and connected through her innovative use of creativity as a springboard for self-empowerment. For nearly two decades, her popular approach has inspired attendees and listeners, resulting in her award-winning blog Superhero Journal and best-selling e-courses. She interviews authors, artists, and other creative thinkers of our time on her Creative Superheroes podcast and has been featured in books by Brené Brown, SARK, Lapham’s Quarterly, and more.

She is thrilled that her new book, Wonder Seeker: 52 Ways to Wake up Your Creativity and Find Your Joy is now available from HarperDesign. This book straddles the world of creativity and mindfulness – playfully inspiring readers to live more vibrant lives full of presence, joy and connection.

Andrea’s website:



“Andrea has taught me so much about the power of intuition and the importance of being present. There is amazing clarity in the way she communicates vulnerability and joy in her stories and in her photography – it’s the best kind of truth-telling.”Dr. Brene Brown, author of Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness and Dare to Lead

“Andrea brings authenticity and beauty to everything she does. She is a powerful storyteller, a brave warrior for vulnerability and courage, and as REAL as they come. Her practical wisdom, intuition and focused intelligence are unparalleled.”SARK, best-selling author of 17 books about creativity.